
From time to time, Survive is asked to promote participation in ongoing research projects presented by third parties, e.g. universities, the NHS, or the Crown Prosecution Service. We define research here as anything that seeks to:

  • improve outcomes for survivors.
  • advance knowledge specifically in relation to the suitability or effectiveness of therapeutic approaches.

There is NO obligation for anyone to take part in any of the research projects noted below.

Participating in research may be triggering to those who have been subjected to sexual violence and abuse, including child sexual abuse.

Our helpline is open Mondays to Thursdays, 10am – 12noon and is FREE to call: 0808 145 1887

Survive is not responsible for the research listed below.


The Victims’ Commissioner’s Victim Survey

The Victims’ Commissioner wants to hear from you: Share your experience with the justice system and help us make it better for others. They would like to hear from anyone who has been a victim of a crime and/or reported a crime from 1st January 2022 onwards (i.e. in the last 3 years).

The survey runs to 31st December 2024.

Victims’ Survey 2024


VAWG Survey

The Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner would like to hear your views on how you think we can stop Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). The results of this survey will help inform the VAWG strategy for North Yorkshire.

VAWG Survey 2023 (


Rape Crisis

Supporters are central to our movement. And with a new Government, our Policy and Public Affairs team wants to hear from you, now more than ever.

What should the new Government do for survivors?

Whether it’s increasing funds for specialist services or better criminal justice responses, please fill out this one-question survey and tell us what you think!

Further information

Survive’s Senior Management Team (SMT) thoroughly considers all research requests before they are published on this website and will always prioritise the welfare of survivors. To encourage best practice, help prevent misconduct, and protect the safety, rights, and dignity of research participants, the SMT will consider the following:

  • the qualifications and competency of the researcher/institution
  • whether they are BACP members bound by BACP Ethical Guidelines for Research in the Counselling Professions or academics from an institution or research body bound by internal governance
  • whether the research proposal has been independently reviewed (e.g. by academic institution, social care or NHS ethics committee)
  • what supervision is in place of the research project and of the researcher themselves
  • what processes are in place to assess risk, manage conflicts of interest and ensure ethical problem-solving.

Survive expects researchers to be trustworthy, show respect, show research integrity, be competent, comply with relevant legislation (including though not limited to UK GDPR), consider EDI factors, ensure the safety of participants, and consider the vulnerability of survivors as participants in research (i.e. risk of being triggered, re-traumatised etc).

Survive will not conduct or promote research to children and young people (CYP).

To have a link to your research survey considered for this website, email

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