5 February 2025

Local MP pledges to support the fight against Child Sexual Abuse

On Tuesday the 4th February 2025, Survive attended a Parliamentary Pledging Event on Ending Child Sexual Abuse in the UK.

The event, hosted by Labour MP and longtime campaigner for survivors Sarah Champion, welcomed peers and Members of Parliament, and included survivors and members of the national Act on IICSA working group. (IICSA – “ick-sa”)

The Act on IICSA group, which Survive’s CEO Mags Godderidge is a key member of, have been campaigning for all 20 recommendations presented by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse’s final report to be implemented.

The event started with a panel session from experts, including John O Brien CBE who was Secretary to the 7-year Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) and survivor Chris Tuck, a member of the Act on IICSA campaign group.

The event was also attended by York MP Rachael Maskell, who last year supported Survive via the York Dragon Boat Race. Rachael Maskell MP says: “When half a million children are being sexually abused each year(1) and 4.5m since the launch of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in 2015(2), it is a relief to hear that the Government are implementing all the recommendations in full. However, we must recognise the scale of support victims and survivors need, and that brilliant organisations like Survive in York are fully funded to provide the care and support to all who need their specialist services.

“The scale of child abuse is so tragic. As a society we need wake up to the scale of suffering children and young people experience, including online, and be determined to stamp out these horrendous crimes.”

O’Brien reiterated the need for a Child Protection Authority (CPA) to oversee the implementation of the other 19 recommendations from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse; emphasising the need for mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse – starting with those working in regulated activities; and the need for a redress scheme – acknowledging wrongdoing to survivors.

Survive’s CEO, Mags Godderidge says, “It was great to see so many parliamentarians in the room, united in their commitment to ending child sexual abuse. Alongside my colleagues at Act On IICSA, I very much look forward to seeing a detailed timetable from the Home Office in due course regarding the implementation of all 20 recommendations.”

(MP Rachael Maskell and Survive’s CEO, Mags Godderidge)

1) CSA Centre, Child sexual abuse in 2022/23. Trends in official data published February 2024
2) Estimated based on (1)

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